On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 6:04 PM, Austin Hook <aus...@computershop.ca> wrote:
> [Our reply..]
> DC)solC)!
> But, let's remember that there is insurance on those packages. Let me get
> the money back from the post office, and we will send you another one.
> the envelope, if possible.   We will report your circumstance to the postal
> insurance.
> I hope the thief realizes that the music is on disc #2, track #2!  It would
> be a shame if he didn't even know how to play it, after all his hard work
> steal it....  and our hard work to have to music created to promote
>   :-)
> Austin

As a side note...

We also have a huge user base in Nigeria. We've had orders, to my
count, of about 40,000 CD sets. OpenBSD must be a fashion brand in
Nigeria too. We have 1000s of orders for t-shirts.

However, each payment failed... some shipping guy is going to pay us
soon though!


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