* Chinese medicine

  * life

Hi! Please accept the greetings from the staff of the TCM Center.

Dear Sir,

Christmas is coming! Where will you spend the Christmas holiday with your
family? Wherever you are, please accept the best regards from the staff
of our TCM center: Merry Christmas! Wish all of you peace, joy and
happinesso<And also wish you a memorable Christmas night!

Nowadays, Christmas day is becoming one of the popular festivals among
the young people in China. Usually, we held kinds of celebration for the
Christmas. In Guilin, for example, we can go sightseeing on the Li River
to enjoy the green hills and blue water; we can explore the amazing
nature scenery in the caves which is full of grotesque rocks in Yangshuo,
Guilin; we can visit the ethnic character and style village to get the
local customs, taste the local most characteristic dishes and enjoy the
ethnic sing and dancing. As evening draws on, we enjoy ourselves around
the fire by singing and dancing. It is a fantastic experience.

If you have not decided your holiday plan, please come to Guilin to join
us. This year, we will hold a grand feast ----“Christmas Extravaganza
Day”! We will provide you a special Christmas day. For detailed
information, please visit :Christmas day

I wish you and your family live healthily and happily.Looking forward to
your replyBest Wishes!

Wish you and your family again a happy Christmas Day.

Dr. Huang Yuanzhong

  * Who would you like to spend the Christmas festival with? With your
    friend or just yourselfo<With a group of people from all over the
    world would be also a good idea! So join us and have the special
    Christmas day. Limited numbers are available, please come


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