On 2011-12-19, James Hozier <guitars...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I ran into an error trying to install Firefox (I think the latest
> version in Ports is 8.0.1) so I thought I might be updating
> incorrectly.
>===>  Checking files for firefox-5.0p3
>>> Fetch 
>>> http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/5.0/source/firefox-5.0.source.tar.bz2
> ftp: Error retrieving file: 404 Not Found

Mozilla don't keep many old releases on the http distribution
sites.  You can fetch this from


I'll add this to ports/www/mozilla/mozilla.port.mk in -stable
in a bit.

I'd really suggest running -current if you want to keep up to
date with things like browsers. Then you can just use packages
rather than spend hours building (also note that only fixes for
the worst bugs will get into -stable; and even then only if
they won't cause problems for other ports needing a whole chain
of updates).

Just because -stable is named -stable doesn't imply that -current
is likely to break often.

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