Henning Brauer <lists-open...@bsws.de> wrote:

> > I feel the price is too high
> then don't buy a lemote, case closed.

The question was about where to get a good price on one. Scroll up asshole.

> the person you insulted.

I insulted nobody except people who attacked me for daring to express the
opinion that the price of the mini is "too FUCKING HIGH!!!"

> keep going, 2 developers insulted. that is going to give you a lot of
> karma points here.

Shaking and quaking ;-)

> you have no idea what I do or don't.

But you do about me? I got a bulletin for you, your crystal ball needs

> aha. again you know sth about me I haven't said. genius!

Lot of that going around

> it is arguable wether we argue or are just making fun of the OP (you,
> aparently). 

keep jerking off if it makes you feel better

> my only assumption was that you want to run OpenBSD. And that should
> be a pretty safe assumption on misc@ _OPENBSD_ .org.

Uh no. OpenBSD is one of the OS that runs on MIPS. I thought I could get
some help on where to find a cheap MIPS box, specifically the Lemote. Oh
well! Arrogant motherfucker!

> we tell you to just not buy the device in question if you don't wanna
> pay its price. that doesn't even require you to make your genius and
> superiour morals public.

But your bandwidth is justified in your own eyes I am sure

> hey miod, we must convince the rest of us to leave openbsd, this guy
> here said so, and he's obviously an omniscient genius.

Don't try to twist my words. I said nothing bad about OpenBSD or
miod. You're a shit stirring little fagot doing your best to draw everyone
into your little sharkfest. If you don't have signal to add to the thread at
least don't add to the noise.

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