ugh....that's what I thought.
I'm reading through some OSSEC docs right now and it seems pretty promising.
Having trouble finding anything about having it read from pflog.
From: Andres Genovez []
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 3:04 PM
To: Bentley, Dain
Subject: Re: PF Snort tutorial

2012/1/3 Bentley, Dain <<>>
I've been looking around for a good tutorial on implementing snort with PF
everything I see is old, does anyone know of or have implemented a solution
using an IDS/IPS with PF on the same box?  If possible I'd like snort of some
other IDS inspect packets and have pf drop them based on the fact they match
certain signatures.  Thanks in advance.

Implimenting that is really a Pain in the hell out......I did it on a 4.9, i
need to do it from sources, there is no complete tutorial, it works on 4.9,
not implemented with PF tought...



Andris Genovez Tobar / Tecnico
Elastix ECE - Linux  LPI-1 - Novell CLA - Apple ACMT

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