On Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 1:04 AM, Lars <nore...@z505.com> wrote:
> I was watching an older video regarding Static Source code analysis to
> make code more secure. B I especially enjoyed your comments about SQL
> injections and escaping sql which all sorts of websites forget to do.
> What tools are used in OpenBSD for static source code analysis? I guess
> Lint is considered one tool? B Do you, Ted, use other tools than Lint?
> This post is not just meant to be sent for Ted, of course anyone else
> could reply if they know about source code analysis.


(document about finding bugs in kernels of OpenBSD, Linux and OpenSolaris)

> Should some of these static source code analysis techniques be merged into
> compilers to catch more errors right within the development process,
> instead of it being a separate tool?
> Advantages of keeping static source code analysis separate tools:
> -keeps the compiler simpler, doesn't add extra code to the compiler
> -the source code analysis tool can be used not just with one compiler that
> has it built in
> -source code analysis needs to be configured on a case by case basis,
> embedding it into the compiler might make things too complex for the user
> setting up the compiler
> Disadvantages of keeping static analysis separate:
> -people are less inclined to use the separate tool and practice proper
> coding techniques. Building it into the compiler would force them to write
> more secure code on day one.
> -people see the tool as an extra option, rather than developing their code
> right from day one as an essential.
> How to solve the disadvantages:
> -ship source code analysis tools with the compiler and encourage people to
> use it moreso than we do now, keep the tools as separate modules so they
> can be developed individually but run together possibly with
> processes/pipes.
> -write more books on the topic, I doubt they would be Bestsellers though
> since people are more interested in just having their program compile and
> run quickly
> --
> Regards, Lars
> GNG is not GNU
> http://gng.z505.com

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