Chris Smith wrote [2012-01-16 13:21+0100]:
> Are there any dynamic or static C code analysis tools available for
> OpenBSD? [swoosh]

You may try llvm from packages, it aims to have a good analyzer.
lint(1) is in base.

> I'd still like to be able to check that I've not made any
> hideous cock-ups in my code.

You may do manual code adjustments, as in



        [nyd wherever]


and then define the nyd_* series to something useful (not-yet-dead
peeps or collection of profiling info, as desired).
This works for many years quite well for me (userland).

> A few minutes of poking around the Internet returned nothing useful
> unfortunately.

Well, if you're running Xorg(1), xeyes(1) may help you to do the
job if you're happily distracted (due to whatever reasons).

> Best Regards,

Otherwise the usual rules may help you:
- make functions as small as possible (much less than a screenful
  of lines),
- place useful comments in the code,
- implement tests for all possible and impossible usage cases
  (easily possible with non-crashing assertions)
- ask yourself with all possible seriousness why you can't wait
  for C 2015 which will finally introduce a garbage collector,
  instead of manually fooling around with memory pointers today!
  Until then malloc(3) and its MALLOC_OPTIONS may help you a bit,
- And always revisit your code some time after you have forgotten
  what it is for;  may you never have the material pressure to
  release it at an earlier time.

> Chris Smith

May the juice be with you.


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