I don't think the name of the program ever changed.  (Who would want
to type MircoGNUEmacs every time you edit a file?)  mg used to be an
acronym, now it officially means nothing.

On Mon, Jan 16, 2012, Mark Lumsden wrote:
> Anyone know the history behind mg being called mg?
> THis in the mg tutorial (/usr/share/doc/mg/tutorial):
> The mg editor was originally named MicroGNUEmacs. The name was changed
> to "mg" at the request of Richard Stallman,...
> The second sentence suggests Richard Stallman suggested the name "mg"
> but in the README we have:
> Mg was formerly named MicroGnuEmacs, the name change was
> done at the request of Richard Stallman.
> Which suggests he only requested the change, not the precise name.
> Anyone know?
> mark

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