On Jan 21 09:44:14, Richard Thornton wrote:
> Let me make it crystal clear for you since I realize English is not your
> native tongue.  I d/l #65

No you didn't. Really. There is no way to go and "download #65".
There is no such thing as "OpenBSD #65".

What you most probably did is you downloaded current; specifically,
5.0-current that was built on Nov 3, as your subject line suggests;
which happened to be the 65th build, which is a number that doesn't
mean shit except when tracking down exactly which build along the
way introduced exactly which functionality (or bug).

> thinking from what I read on the MAIN PAGE OF
> OPENBSD.ORG BACK 12 weeks ago about 1am that it IN FACT IT WAS THE VERSION

Again: "shipped out"? What do you even mean by that? Every build
of OpenBSD is "shipped out". You mean RELEASE, right? (Except
you still don't know what a release is.)

So tell me: where exactly on the main page of www.openbsd.org
did you get the impression that what you download from the
"snapshots" directory (because that is, and nowhere else,
is where you get the -current builds) is the 5.0 release?

No really: where? Give me a link, show me a quote saying
or at least suggesting that. You can't.

Meanwhile, see if you can grasp this link and quote:

        http://www.openbsd.org/50.html (linked from the frontpage)
        "Go to the pub/OpenBSD/5.0/ directory on one of the mirror sites."

Really. It says so, in RED LETTERS.

> because none of you know how to write.

Besides the above, completely unambigous, simple instruction,
there is these four_fucking_lines at the very start of FAQ5.1
(which you haven't read):

There are three "flavors" of OpenBSD:
-release: The version of OpenBSD shipped every six months on CD.
-stable: Release, plus patches considered critical to security and reliability.
-current: Where new development work is presently being
     done, and eventually, it will turn into the next release.

What on earth confuses you in that?
It's not that Nick Holland can't write.
You can't read, or cannot be bothered to.

What it boils down to is that you downloaded an install ISO
from "snapshots", instead of downloading an install ISO from "5.0",
not knowing what that means.

BTW, you are probably better off with the build you downloaded,
as 5.0-current #65 was built on Nov 3, while the 5.0-release was built
from code frozen at 8/2011 (you say). That's three months of development.


That's the expected thing, but you are actually one of the few who did that.

> Only this past week did I find the folder on your servers
> that stored the shipped version.

Yes; only after people explained it to you on the mailing list
did you realize that there is -release and there is -current,
and there is a directory containing each on the FTP mirrors,
and there is a different repository for the packages of each.

This is very carefully explained in the FAQ that you haven't read.

> Between then and now I read all pertinent docs,

Such as "Go to the pub/OpenBSD/5.0/ directory on one of the mirror sites."?
No you haven't. Or you did, at 1am, when you wasn't actually conscious (which
happens to admins, but now you are blaming the excelent OpenBSD documentation
for it).

> but trust me,  I will never send

Their org. I am a user, like you. Very happy user,
like you are gonna be when you familiarize yourself with it.



> And I will refrain from joining the New York BSD group because as far as I
> can tell to date,  you all are a bunch of 4 pi r-squared assholes.

> On Jan 21, 2012 9:25 AM, "Jan Stary" <h...@stare.cz> wrote:
> > > > On Jan 21 07:18:37, Richard Thornton wrote:
> > > > > It works for me now.  I don't care about your precious FAQS.
> > > >
> > > > You are not supposed to care about them.
> > > >
> > > > You are supposed to read at least the absolute basics if you
> > > > have trouble even figuring out which version you are installing.
> >
> > On Jan 21 08:54:49, Richard Thornton wrote:
> > > How do you know I did not read any docs?  The fact is I did but I did not
> > > under stand that version#65 was not in fact the release found on the
> > > prepackaged disk.
> >
> >
> > These are the very first lines of FAQ 5.1:
> >
> > ----
> > There are three "flavors" of OpenBSD:
> >
> > -release: The version of OpenBSD shipped every six months on CD.
> > -stable: Release, plus patches considered critical to security and
> > reliability.
> > -current: Where new development work is presently being
> >            done, and eventually, it will turn into the next release.
> > ----
> >
> >
> > You still want to maintain that you have read it,
> > or do you really have trouble understanding it?
> >
> > If you bought the official CD of the 5.0 release,
> > as you claim, then what you installed from it is the 5.0 release.
> >
> > If you have OpenBSD 5.0-current (GENERIC) #65,
> > as your subject suggests, then you absolutely did _not_
> > install from the official release CD.
> >
> > Not knowing the difference means that you absolutely
> > have _not_ read the FAQ.

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