On 2012-01-28, Philip Guenther <guent...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've run into this problem perhaps a dozen times over the past several
>> months while running amd64-current, most recently at 15:53 2012/1/26 EST
>> while running a system built from source updated at about 14:30
>> 2012/1/21 EST: when trying to update the xenocara source tree there is a
>> very long (perhaps infinite) delay between issuing the 'cvs ...' command
>> and the start of any visible activity.  In this most recent case the
>> delay was about 9 hours.  Updating the src and ports source trees at
>> about the same time and using the same CVSROOT has always worked OK;
>> there's some delay but not a really long one.  And sometimes the
>> xenocara update has worked without any problem.  When it doesn't, 'rm
>> -rf /usr/xenocara' followed by reloading from the 5.0-release CD has
>> always allowed a subsequent cvs update to work.
>> The command I'm using is
>>  # cd /usr/xenocara && cvs -d$CVSROOT -q up -Pd
>> (except for the working directory, exactly the same as the command for
>> updating the src or ports tree).
> I bet it'll be faster if you don't use the -P or -d options.

If people try this, please don't report any build problems unless
you've re-run with both of these options.

Also note it's not going to work well for ports..

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