On Tue, Nov 01, 2005 at 10:23:59AM +0100, Xavier Beaudouin wrote:
> Hi there...
> Seems I have found some memory leak inside bgpd...
> When I set route-collector no in bgpd.conf my bgpd processes seems to 
> growing and growing (I had some process to grow using more than 1G of 
> total memory) when running it several days.
> But....
> When I just comment it :
> #route-collector no
> The bgpd system is working correctly without any problems...

Hmm. That does not make sense.
#route-collector no
route-collector no
result in the same action. As "route-collector no" is the default action.
Will have a look at it.

> I have tested that on production system with 2 full view and 2 ibgp view...
> If you need some more informations and examples please drop me a email.
> (note this bug has been seen on 3.7 Release on sparc64 and on 3.8 beta 
> on x86... I think it is on 3.8 release also but I didn't tested yet)..

Hmm. If possible the full config could be helpful.
Any idea how fast it is leaking memory?

:wq Claudio

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