On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Rod Whitworth <glis...@witworx.com> wrote:
> dmesg is under the story, of course.
> I have been following 5.0 current through 5.1 beta updating from CVS
> and
> building through to release and a CD so that I can track stuff.
> When my smooth red new Thinkpad arrived I decided to use it to try out
> my latest 5.1beta CD. So I shoved win7 aside and left a big chunk of
> space for the A6 beauty.
> I even got game and allowed it to boot into X. Big mistake. As soon as
> I tried to switch to a Vconsole it seemed like the whole thing siezed
> up. That is really true as we will see later.
> Next I booted from the CD and used the install shell to comment out the
> rc.conf.local xdm line on the mounted sd0a/etc.
> Rebooting let me log in to a console session and I fired up sshd so
> that another box could log in running top so that I could tell if the
> thing was truly locked-up. Running startx presented me with the default
> wndow and I could do stuff there but attempting to go to another
> console session made it look to be frozen but the remote box running
> top over ssh proved that it was not.
> I found out that if I did Ctl-Alt-F5 on the "dead" X window, it brought
> X back to life
> Having done as well as I could in choosing a Tpad with mostly OpenBSD
> friendly bits, I don't like the idea of just running a bunch of "glass
> teleprinters".

It's a known bug with Intel Sandybridge: support for this GPU is far
from being optimal.


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