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Today Gustavo Rios contributed the following:

Dear folks!

I am in need for integrating a set of windows dektops with some
openbsd servers. I have two openbsd boxes: one acting like an NFS
server and another with NIS + Kerberos.

The OpenBSD workstations are already working with authentication being
provided by NIS+Kerberos and storage centrally managed by a NFS
storage server.

The problem comes when i think on about 50 desktops running Windows XP/2003.

I would like those windows boxes to grab the users/groups information
directly from my nis/krb server, as also performs SSO based on the
user principal stored on that same nis/krb server.

Another important aspect is about NFS. The home directories needs to
be made shared accros windows boxes.

I am not considering using SAMBA. But i do consider adding an extra
layer for authentication (since it will be added for email/proxy
auth): openldap server.

The problem is how to integrate OpenLDAP/NIS/KRB/NFS with those WIN boxes.

Services For Unix (by MS) provides a consistent support for NFS
client, i believe! Could i use it? Is there anything i should be aware
about, before trying it?

Now another problem: How to make windows authentication directly by
means of NIS/KRB or even from OpenLDAP? I was searching the web and
found about "GINA" (Graphical Identification aNd Authorization): It
the windows login interface, it can be replaced. I searched some in
the town ad found:


I would really LOVE to see what you have to write on such matters.

Thanks A LOT for your time and cooperation.

best regards

Services for Unix (by MS) works fine for me here on Windows XP,
both with OpenBSD and FreeBSD. Little slow sometimes, but for the
last 8 months, has been reliable. I've had no problems.
Hope this helps some.
Denny White

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