On Fri, 17  14:18 , Stuart Henderson wrote:
> I only see this as being marginally useful as-is. Why would you
> want to configure every network interface individually? You might
> as well just use a separate script in that case.

The use case is to have a default configuration of a wireless
interface, call it /etc/hostname.athn0.

Apart from that, there's a number of places where a different wifi
configuration is necessary, call them /etc/hostname.athn0.apX.

Being at one of these places, typing "sh /etc/netstart athn0.apX" 
suffices to have a working setup.

I can of course wrap nearly everything into some script, doing one 
and the same thing over and over again (or script the scripting). 
However avoiding additional overhead by applying a change once is 
just the idea of the patch.

But it doesn't really sound like this idea is attractive to

> I'd rather have an option to specify this be used for *all*
> hostname.if files so you could "sh /etc/netstart -s mobile" etc.
> Or maybe easier to have "netstart -d /etc/net/home" etc to look in
> a different directory (though this has implications for /etc/security
> and changelist).
> With either of these, it would probably make sense to add "netstart_flags"
> support to rc.conf/rc as well.

The latter might be a proper solution as well, but is not as 
minimally invasive as intended.

All the best,

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