On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 7:46 PM, Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org>
> It is that time again.  I have just activated pre-orders for CDs,
> tshirts, and posters for the 5.1 release -- due May 1.
>    http://openbsd.org/orders.html
> At the same time, I am making available the song that will come out
> with the release (hmm, it is still moving out to the ftp mirrors at
> the moment, but that is ok).  The song and details of it are linked
> from:
>    http://openbsd.org/lyrics.html
> And there is something else.  Five years ago we made available an
> Audio CD that contained 5 years of songs.  Well, we have made a new
> audio CD since enough new songs have been made.  It is not very
> expensive, so please consider buying this as well when you place any
> order.  It has some rather nice liner notes.  Had some great fun
> coming up with the cover for that CD:
>   http://openbsd.org/images/cdaudio2.gif
> I'd also like you remind you that Michael Lucas new "SSH Mastery" book
> is also now available, in case anyone was waiting for the 5.1 release
> to place one order.
>    http://openbsd.org/books.html#book9
> Please consider purchasing these items and/or making a donation, since
> this is a very important revenue source which keeps the project going.

Excellent news! Thank you OpenBSD!

OpenBSD Order 2012/3/13-22:21:yy-22xxx
Your order currently is:
-> 1 [CDA2] OpenBSD Audio CD: The Songs 4.1 - 5.1 @ CDN $15.00
-> 2 [T37] Bugbusters Shirt (?)  @ CDN $25.00
-> 1 [P51] OpenBSD 5.1 Poster @ CDN $20.00
-> 10 [CD51] OpenBSD 5.1 CD @ CDN $50.00
-> 1 [T34] The Black Hoodie (?)  @ CDN $60.00


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