On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 3:46 PM, Ted Unangst <t...@tedunangst.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 29, 2012, Andres Perera wrote:
>>> Maybe you could also close some of those 999 keep-alive sessions and
>>> pre-load sessions you have open and retry. Seriously why does a
>>> webbrowser need 1024 file descriptors to be open at the same time?
>>> Are you concurrently reading 500 homepages?
>> you are not expected to read 500 homepages at the same time, but you
>> *are* expected to switch to any tab at any time, and the price of a
>> system call to reopen the pertaining file descriptors is unacceptable
> What retarded browser are you using that needs to reopen file
> descriptors to switch tabs? B And what retarded OS are you running
> where system calls are so expensive they're user noticable?

none of firefox, chrome micromanage to this extent, that's exactly the point

as for the second question, it's conveniently ignoring keep-alive and
*anything* interactive. re-aquiring fds *and* emptying the queue of
pending actions is the cost, not the mere syscall

apparently you or claudio came up with a scheduler that guesses which
tabs are more important, swaps to disk the ones that aren't, and
pretends their ongoing transmissions don't mean anything

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