On 29 March 2012 21:37, Rodolfo Gouveia <rgouv...@cosmico.net> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 06:33:16PM +0200, Stefan Sieg wrote:
> > are you overwriting existing files that have the previous file mode?
> No, these are new files. Let me explain better.
> When I copy a file over with sftp, the permissions of the file created
> on the server, are replicated from the client.
> This is in contrast, when I'm logged in on the server with that same
> account
> and create a file, the umask is correct as per /etc/login.conf.
> Even though reading sftp-server(8):
>     -u umask
>             Sets an explicit umask(2) to be applied to newly-created files
>             and directories, instead of the user's default mask.
> I would assume that the files copied over by the client which don't exist
> on the server should be honor this flag.
> Are my assumptions correct?
This is because your client *asks* the server to set the specific


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