Hi Ilya,

On Tue, Apr 03, 2012 at 08:21:08PM +0600, ???? ??????? wrote:
| Hello!
| I'd like to see every program (with program name) that listen something on
| network. I can achive that on Linux by running "netstat -lpn", like that
| server:~# netstat -lpn
| Active Internet connections (only servers)
| Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address
| State       PID/Program name
| tcp        0      0    *
| LISTEN      411/master


| is there similar things for OpenBSD ?

Try fstat(1):

[pweerd@office414] $ fstat | grep *:22
root     sshd       11320    3* internet6 stream tcp 0xfffffe8126c99230 *:22
root     sshd       11320    4* internet stream tcp 0xfffffe8126c99460 *:22

Good luck.

Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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