
Yep - I'd got that - I was hoping that the Kernel wouldn't panic because I wasn't changing the default (much...) except for installing rsync.

Jacob had alluded to this in his response - but you probably couldn't find it in the jungle of MY e-mail.

Thanks mate!

Good man ;-)


On 12/04/12 02:19, joshua stein wrote:
2) To use apmd, do I need to maintain a swap partition? Indeed, should I
ALWAYS maintain a swap partition on this simple setup (which is running
fine)? I was hoping to get away without one (currently b: is undefined).

Swap partition is optional, as long as you have enough RAM to do what
you want.

The swap partition is also where the kernel writes useful memory
dumps if it panics, so that savecore(8) can extract it on the next

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