hello (opensmtpd-) folks, 

I think OpenSMTPd aborts delivery to multiple aliased recipients as soon
as a delivery attempt returns non-zero. 
I consider this unwanted: a super user defined delivery list in
aliases(5) is not applied if some foolish luser messes up her/his

How I found out about this:

in aliases(5):
foobar: b_user, a_user

(Verbose log shows this get's reordered to a_user, b_user. I'm not sure
that is good.)

forward(5) of a_user (that's the one tried first) 

after that delivery to b_user is not attempted. If I change
a_user's forward(5) to 
|/usr/local/bin/procmail; exit 0

delivery to b_user is attempted. 

Bye, Marcus

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