Thank you everybody.

I don't really use much space locally as my videos etc are on the network.

I'll leave some space unpartitioned and let garbage collection do the rest.

Many thanks,
On Apr 15, 2012 12:09 AM, "Alexander Hall" <> wrote:

> On 04/14/12 20:38, Laurence Rochfort wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm considering purchasing a domestic SSD for my laptop.
>> Does OpenBSD 5.1 support SSDs and the TRIM command if needed?
> As already said; yes and no, respectively. It matters little though, but
> if you're really concerned about the missing TRIM support, don't partition
> the entire disk but leave a part of it unused.
> That said, just buy one and enjoy the ride. Ohmigod it's nice. :)
> /Alexander
>> Regards,
>> Laurence Rochfort

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