On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 9:35 PM, Kostas Zorbadelos <kzo...@otenet.gr> wrote:
> Hello all,
> if this has been discussed in the past, forgive my asking and please
> point me to the archives. I am interested in building a server VPN
> solution for a sensitive corporate LAN. The use case is travelling,
> roaming users who just want a secure access in the corporate LAN. I am
> not interested in permanent VPN setups (for which I guess IPSEC tunnels
> would be more appropriate).
> The server OS will be OpenBSD of course. The main concerns and project
> requirements are:
> - client remote access to a corporate LAN
> - on demand VPN for the duration of the need only
> - ability to support multiple users concurrently
> - cross platform (clients should be supported in as many OSes as
> possible)
> - performance
> - strong security (of course) and easy, automated configuration for the
> client
> - IPv6 and IPv4 support (in a perhaps NATed environment)
> Should I go for OpenSSH with its tun(4) VPN features or do you think an
> OpenVPN solution would be more appropriate?
> After a quick search, my main source of information is [1] and [2]. It
> is also mentioned that tunneling over TCP can have issues especially in
> bad connection environments (not sure if this is true or not).
> Any input highly welcome :)
> Regards,
> Kostas
> [1] http://www.kernel-panic.it/openbsd/vpn/index.html
> [2] http://www.daemonforums.org/showthread.php?t=2610

This one is good overview as well

> --
> Kostas Zorbadelos
> twitter:@kzorbadelos B  B  B  B  B http://gr.linkedin.com/in/kzorba
> () B www.asciiribbon.org - against HTML e-mail & proprietary attachments
> /\

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