Remco wrote:
> Alexei Malinin wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Please give me an advice how to resolve this annoying problem.
>> At a time when I listen to music on the xmms
>> and simultaneously begin to move any X window,
>> the sound stops. The sound resumes after finishing
>> of moving of the window .
>> I have i386 OpenBSD-4.9 and twm as the X window manager.
>> There is no such problem in the same environment
>> on i386 OpenBSD-4.2.
> Are you running aucat(1) (aka sndiod in 5.1) as a daemon/sound server ?


> At first, just try: aucat -l
> You might need to play a bit with the buffering.
> You can make it start at boot time by adding a "aucat_flags=" line
> (possibly
> with some additional parameters if needed) to rc.conf.local(8).

Alexei Malinin

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