On 2012-04-24, Theron ZORBAS <theronzor...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello Misc,
> What is the difference beetwen these two rules:
> match out on egress inet from $int_if:network to any nat-to (egress)
> pass out on egress inet from $int_if:network to any nat-to (egress)
> Or there is no difference?
> I could not understand when to use match word.

'match' lets you separate natting, queue assignment, routing
table selection, qos marking etc from the main firewall
pass/block logic.

for example I find this easier to understand and edit:
(contrived example, but I think you'll get the idea..)

match from 10/8 to any nat-to egress:0
match from to any nat-to $somehost
pass proto tcp from 10/8 to port 22
pass proto tcp from 10/8 to port 80
pass proto tcp from 10/8 to port 1433

than this:

pass proto tcp from 10/8 to port 22 nat-to egress:0
pass proto tcp from 10/8 to port 80 nat-to egress:0
pass proto tcp from 10/8 to port 1433 nat-to egress:0
pass proto tcp from to port 22 nat-to $somehost
pass proto tcp from to port 80 nat-to $somehost
pass proto tcp from to port 1433 nat-to $somehost

> P.S. It's been very near time that i started to use OpenBSD as a firewall. 
> I'm asking this question as a newbie.
> Sorry if it is a time wasting question to you.
> Thanks.
> Theron ZORBAS

general advice: rather than just writing rules, start by working
out (and making notes on) what you want the firewall to allow,
then *after* you've done this, write some rules. then you can
check them against your original notes to make sure they do what
you want.

keep a copy of these notes, they will help a lot if you leave
the config alone for a while and then want to make changes to it
after a few months..

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