On Thu, Nov 03, 2005 at 06:11:20PM -0500, Jon Hart wrote:
>    1) used to determine that a particular carp packet is intended for
>       you carp host?  

carp(4) does a number of validity checks before treating the packet a
real carp packet:

- was the device recieved on a interface that has a carp device on it?
- is the ttl 255 (prevents routed carp packets from being accepted)
- packet length
- crc32 checksum
- Is the carp interface UP and RUNNING?
- version

>    2) given that a carp host knows that a particular carp packet is one
>       that it cares about, how does it verify that all of the parameters
>       contained within are legit?

It checks the HMAC, which contains the password, version, counter, type,
and the addresses.


> If the answer to all this is to just ensure that if I ever have more
> than one carp pair on the same network to ensure that I have different
> vhids,

Yes, you MUST use a different vhid for different carp clusters on the
same link-local network; the MAC address for the carp interface is
generated from the vhid, and if you don't keep this unique your switch
will likely get confused.

>  does anyone have a vhid numbering scheme that they've found workable?
>  I had been using interface number +1 (so the carp for em0 would be
>  vhid 1, etc).

In many situations, I use the last octet of the first virtual IP
address. (If your virtual IP is, use 23 as your vhid)

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