On 02/05/12 12:27, Peter Hessler wrote:
No, that is not what that feature does.

When pfsync starts any sort of bulk update, it will increase the carp
demotion counter which makes it refuse MASTER.  Only when the bulk
update finishes (or times out), will it decrease the carp demote
counter, which will allow it to take MASTER, subject to the normal rules.


Well it seems that it goes to MASTER before bulk transfer ends:

May 1 16:11:43 f1 /bsd: carp: carp0 demoted group carp by 1 to 129 (carpdev) May 1 16:11:43 f1 /bsd: carp: carp1 demoted group carp by 1 to 130 (carpdev) May 1 16:11:43 f1 /bsd: carp: carp2 demoted group carp by 1 to 131 (carpdev) May 1 16:11:43 f1 /bsd: carp: carp3 demoted group carp by 1 to 132 (carpdev) May 1 16:11:43 f1 /bsd: carp: pfsync0 demoted group carp by 1 to 133 (pfsync bulk start) May 1 16:11:43 f1 /bsd: carp: pfsync0 demoted group pfsync by 1 to 1 (pfsync bulk start) May 1 16:11:43 f1 /bsd: carp: carp1 demoted group carp by -1 to 132 (carpdev) May 1 16:11:43 f1 /bsd: carp: carp0 demoted group carp by -1 to 131 (carpdev) May 1 16:11:43 f1 /bsd: carp: carp3 demoted group carp by -1 to 130 (carpdev) May 1 16:11:43 f1 /bsd: carp: carp2 demoted group carp by -1 to 129 (carpdev) May 1 16:11:43 f1 /bsd: carp: pfsync0 demoted group carp by -1 to 128 (pfsyncdev) May 1 16:11:43 f1 /bsd: carp: pfsync0 demoted group pfsync by -1 to 0 (pfsyncdev)
May  1 16:11:46 f1 /bsd: carp1: state transition: BACKUP -> MASTER
May  1 16:11:46 f1 /bsd: carp0: state transition: BACKUP -> MASTER
May  1 16:11:46 f1 /bsd: carp3: state transition: BACKUP -> MASTER
May  1 16:11:46 f1 /bsd: carp2: state transition: BACKUP -> MASTER

manually enforce BACKUP with ifconfig -g carp carpdemote

May  1 16:11:59 f1 /bsd: carp1: state transition: MASTER -> BACKUP
May  1 16:11:59 f1 /bsd: carp0: state transition: MASTER -> BACKUP
May  1 16:11:59 f1 /bsd: carp2: state transition: MASTER -> BACKUP
May  1 16:11:59 f1 /bsd: carp3: state transition: MASTER -> BACKUP
May  1 16:12:01 f1 /bsd: carp0: state transition: BACKUP -> MASTER
May  1 16:12:01 f1 /bsd: carp1: state transition: BACKUP -> MASTER
May  1 16:12:01 f1 /bsd: carp2: state transition: BACKUP -> MASTER
May  1 16:12:01 f1 /bsd: carp3: state transition: BACKUP -> MASTER

manually enforce BACKUP with ifconfig -g carp carpdemote

May  1 16:12:07 f1 /bsd: carp0: state transition: MASTER -> BACKUP
May  1 16:12:07 f1 /bsd: carp2: state transition: MASTER -> BACKUP
May  1 16:12:07 f1 /bsd: carp3: state transition: MASTER -> BACKUP
May  1 16:12:07 f1 /bsd: carp1: state transition: MASTER -> BACKUP
May 1 16:13:45 f1 /bsd: carp: pfsync0 demoted group carp by -1 to 1 (pfsync bulk done) May 1 16:13:45 f1 /bsd: carp: pfsync0 demoted group pfsync by -1 to 0 (pfsync bulk done)
May  1 16:14:07 f1 /bsd: carp0: state transition: BACKUP -> MASTER
May  1 16:14:07 f1 /bsd: carp2: state transition: BACKUP -> MASTER
May  1 16:14:07 f1 /bsd: carp3: state transition: BACKUP -> MASTER
May  1 16:14:07 f1 /bsd: carp1: state transition: BACKUP -> MASTER

In advance the secondary firewall, which at this time is operating fine as MASTER, it starts a bulk transfer when it sees link-up on the network interface connected
to the primary firewall, long before primary firewall is finished booting...



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