Theo de Raadt <> writes:

>> If you are not a member of the ACM, you can read it in ACM
>> Queue, in which it
>> was published in January:
> Yes, and people can even comment there, too.  Looks like a few already
> have.  However, it is unlikely that the ACM staff will read those
> comments unless this is brought to their attention,

My ACM subcription ended a few months ago without renewing. I had seen
the article on Queue and fortunately I used the correct link in the
comments ;-)
If I still had a subscription and saw this article on CACM, I would be
really annoyed. Having an article on a personal space on a web site is
not (in my opinion) the same as a written article in the official
membership magazine of ACM. 
I would definitely like to write them about it in complain, but I
certainly am not qualified to talk about the issue. The voice of the
main developers or OpenBSD project's representatives is much stronger
and authoritative. 


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