man intro (3) comes close in OpenBSD (I did man -k libraries to find it)

It just seems like if a function requires a special library that
should be mentioned in the function's man page as well as the header
file since it needs both to work.  I guess it depends on how surprised
you are that the function isn't built-in.  round() at least is
perfectly ordinary in Pascal/Delphi and in Java/Javascript it might be
something like math.round().


On 6/4/12, Anthony J. Bentley <> wrote:
> Alan Corey writes:
>>They probably aren't broken, looks like I need to link in some library.  I
>>get "undefined reference to" when I try to compile/link.  Shouldn't this
>>be mentioned in the man page?
> FreeBSD has a "Library" section in its man page:
>      Math Library (libm, -lm)
> I recall reading on the mandoc mailing lists that OpenBSD man pages do not
> contain this section, but I don't know why that is.
> --
> Anthony J. Bentley

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