On Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 11:51 AM, carlopmart <carlopm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 06/10/2012 11:41 AM, Eric Furman wrote:
>> Stop reading HOWTOS on the Internet.
>> Read an actual book on UNIX.
>> (UNIX not Linux. there is a difference)
>> (GNU is not UNIX)
>> (No truer words have been spoken)
>> This stuff is UNIX 101.
>> Because it is UNIX 101 is the reason the replies
>> you have gotten are either non existent or
>> dismissive. However, you have been led in the
>> right direction. Read man pages. If you don't
>> understand the consequences of editing a
>> config file then don't edit them.
>> Stop reading HOWTOS.
>> They do not lead to understanding.
> Sorry?? What howtos?? Whos is speaking about howtos??

It's obvious that you were not reading FAQ/man pages, because you
modified files which are not supposed to be modified because of
experience from some other OS or because you were reading some "howto
install OpenBSD/Linux/BSD/Unix" somewhere on the web,

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