
I am playing with OpenSMTPD and am configuring a virtual domains and users

In smtpd.conf.local, I have set:
  map "vdomains" { source db "/etc/mail/vdomains.db" }
  accept for virtual "vdomains" deliver to maildir "/home/vmail/%d/%a/"
In /etc/mail/vdomains, I have set:
  tumfatig.net:           true
  carnat.net:             true
  pt...@tumfatig.net      vmail
  j...@carnat.net         vmail

So far, the mails are accepted but I face an error when the first mail is
received ;
when the full home directory does not exist yet:
  Jun 15 15:12:36 openbsd smtpd[6293]: dcd4684048255931: to=<j...@carnat.net>,
  delay=0, stat=Error ("cannot mkdir maildir: No such file or directory")

When this error occurs, "/home/vmail" already exists and is own by
Now, if I run:
  # mkdir /home/vmail/carnat.net
  # chown vmail:vmail /home/vmail/carnat.net
And send the same mail (to j...@carnat.net), it is received correctly and
the remaining "vmail/new" directory tree is created.

Is there some parameters to set so that smtpd creates the whole directory
itself or is this an expected behaviour ?


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