On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 08:57:21PM +0200, Joel Carnat wrote:
> Hi,
> Using OpenBSD 5.1, I have configured OpenSMTPD to act as a secondary MX.
> I have configured this, in smtpd.conf:
>   # secondary mx
>   map "v2mx" { source db "/etc/mail/v2mx.db" }
>   accept from all for virtual "v2mx" relay
> And this, in /etc/mail/v2mx:
>   hotmail.com accept
> The smtpd can now relay properly for that particular domain (which I don't
> really aim to use but this is just a test:). But I would like smtpd to filter
> the acceptable RCPT ; so that I don't get my mail queue filled with junk
> recipients.
> Can I, and how, tell smtpd to only accept "joel.car...@hotmail.com" for such
> "secondary mx".

sadly this is not yet doable, it's in the plans though


Gilles Chehade

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