On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Gilles Chehade <gil...@poolp.org> wrote:
> sorry for the delay,
> does this issue still exist ?
> can you run smtpd with -dv and send output as you reproduce ?

I don't know if it's me, or what... :(  I went back to the original
config.  If this is a bug, I'd be happy to submit, if this is a
mistake I made...  :)

# pfctl -d; pkill smtpd; grep -v "^#" /etc/mail/smtpd.conf ; smtpd -dv
pf disabled
listen on lo0

map "aliases" { source db "/etc/mail/aliases.db" }

accept for local alias aliases deliver to mbox
accept for all relay

startup [debug mode]
parent_send_config: configuring smtp
scheduler_ramqueue: init
scheduler_ramqueue: display
parent_send_config_client_certs: configuring smtp
        scheduler_ramqueue: hosttree display
parent_send_config_ruleset: reloading rules and maps
        scheduler_ramqueue: msgtree display
parent_send_config_ruleset: reloading rules and maps
        scheduler_ramqueue: queue display
scheduler_ramqueue: next
scheduler_ramqueue: next: nothing schedulable
scheduler_ramqueue: load
scheduler_ramqueue: queue loading in progress
ramqueue: loading over
scheduler_ramqueue: next
scheduler_ramqueue: next: nothing schedulable
runner: nothing to schedule, wake me up. zZzZzZ
smtp: listen on port 25 flags 0x0 cert "lo0"
smtp: listen on IPv6:fe80::1%lo0 port 25 flags 0x0 cert "lo0"
smtp: listen on IPv6:::1 port 25 flags 0x0 cert "lo0"
smtp: will accept at most 246 clients
smtpd: scanning offline queue...
smtpd: offline scanning done

# echo "test"|mail root
# smtp: new client on listener: 0x3c00aba0
session_pickup: greeting client
lka_resolve_node: node is local username: tai
aliases_exist: 'tai' exists with 1 expansion nodes
aliases_get: returned 1 aliases
lka_session_done: expansion led to empty delivery list
4547fd3a: from=<r...@urd.spidernet.to>, relay=0@localhost [IPv6:::1],
stat=LocalError (530 5.0.0 Recipient rejected: r...@urd.spidernet.to)
send-mail: command failed: 530 5.0.0 Recipient rejected:

smtp: 0x86ff6000: deleting session: disconnected

# grep "^root" /etc/mail/aliases
# grep "^tai" /etc/mail/aliases
# newaliases
/etc/mail/aliases: 448 aliases

448 aliases all pointing to tai - is that what's causing the issue?

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