On Fri, Jun 22, 2012, at 01:57 PM, Gilles Chehade wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 01:20:09PM +0200, Marc Espie wrote:
> > > 
> > > Actually, before a webserver, I'd recommend learning how to write a shell
> > > as it will have you deal with lots of concepts you would not see
> > > otherwise ... then network programming :-p
> > 
> > Just because you suffered thru a fucked-up education that's
> > ass-backwards doesn't mean you should wish it on other people.
> > ('may you live in interesting times', the old chinese curse).
> >
> Your opinion is pointless, you actually *like* perl ;-)
> > A shell is one of the most complicated pieces of C code to get right,
> > between the fucked-up parser, the lazy evaluation, the arcane shit you
> > have to do to various file descriptors, and the signal handling.
> > 
> > Among other things.
> >
> That's because you think the goal is to write a perfect shell.
> The goal is to use fork, exec, signals, process groups, etc...
> The shell will ultimately suck, but you will learn a lot doing
> this broken piece of software. 
> > Heck, write your own kernel, it's simpler ;)
> > 
> You... like... perl.
> Which explains why you'd think writing a kernel is simpler than a shell,
> and why writing a shell is more complex than network programming :-)

So what is wrong with perl??
It is nearly a standard in the UNIX Admin world.

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