Hello David, 

da...@elven.com.au (David Diggles), 2012.06.25 (Mon) 07:10 (CEST):
> Thanks Marcus!  I have been sidetracked with a few things,
> but will give this technique a try soon.

please do not think I invented that wheel! See misc archives instead...

> I take it dostuff.sh is where I could put something like


> #!/bin/sh

I recommend the use of ``#!/bin/sh -e'', see ksh(1). 

> while [ ! ]; do

I use ``while :; do'' in such cases; BUT: please read init(8), it will
respawn your process anyways; read DIAGNOSTICS section carefully,
especially the ``getty repeating too quickly'' part.

Bye, Marcus

>     /usr/local/bin/ttyplay kickassci.demo
> done
> On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 09:36:43AM +0200, MERIGHI Marcus wrote:
> > da...@elven.com.au (David Diggles), 2012.06.15 (Fri) 00:20 (CEST):
> > > I want the default login console to run something like
> > > /usr/games/worms -n100
> > > or
> > > rsh host /opt/local/bin/xaos -driver aa -autopilot
> > 
> > the way I do it...
> > 
> > $ grep ttyC0 /etc/ttys
> > ttyC0   "/usr/local/libexec/getty.sh" vt220 on 
> > 
> > $ ls -al /usr/local/libexec/getty.sh
> > -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  210 Feb 15 19:01 /usr/local/libexec/getty.sh
> > 
> > $ cat /usr/local/libexec/getty.sh 
> > #!/bin/ksh -e
> > TERM=vt220 /usr/local/sbin/dostuff.sh < /dev/$1 > /dev/$1
> > 
> > $ ls -la /usr/local/sbin/dostuff.sh 
> > -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  -  2.2K Feb 18 11:28 /usr/local/sbin/dostuff.sh
> > 
> > dostuff.sh has stdin/stdout connected to console, now.
> > 
> > Bye, Marcus
> > 
> > (nice project, btw!)
> !DSPAM:4fe7f2c2455333111015!

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