2012/6/29 Matt Hamilton <ma...@netsight.co.uk>:
> Hi All,
> Does pfsync require firewalls to have the same firewall rules on all
> hosts in the sync group? May seem an odd thing to ask, but I have a
> situation in which I have two firewalls on different sides of my
> network, each one connected to a different external
> network. Occasionally due to BGP weights etc we might get asymettric
> packet flow and packets come into our network via one firewall and out
> via the other. This is a problem for pf's state system and the only
> way I've been able to work around it is to not keep state at all --
> obviously not a great idea.

pfsync only synchronizes states. Which rules created them is
irrelevant. If you have a PI address space, you're probably fine.
Don't forget to provide a stable and possibly separate link between
the routers, IPsec tunnel or a VLAN, or don't rely on multicast and
set syncpeers. On an open network it can sometimes bite, which is
probably caused by others using similar multicast addresses, or I
don't know.

> But, I was wondering... could I use pfsync to sync states across from
> one side of the network to the other? Do pfsync packets contain
> reference to the firewall rule number or specific interface? Or does
> it just have information specific to the packet itself (ie, src
> address, dst address, sequence numbers etc)?


struct pfsync_upd_c {
        u_int64_t                       id;
        struct pfsync_state_peer        src;
        struct pfsync_state_peer        dst;
        u_int32_t                       creatorid;
        u_int32_t                       expire;
        u_int8_t                        timeout;
        u_int8_t                        state_flags;
        u_int8_t                        _pad[2];
} __packed;

Imagine what would you gain if you forced people to use the same rules
or even the same interface names. These are completely separate

Martin Pelikan

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