hmm, on Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 10:01:53PM -0700, Philip Guenther said that
> On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 5:38 PM, frantisek holop <> wrote:
> > it seems that since a couple of snapshots back,
> > load never goes below 1.00 anymore on both of my
> > notebooks (i386 MP).  what prompted me to write
> > this email is that now my old thinkpad is affected
> > as well.
> >
> > looking at top right after boot shows that load was "normal"
> >
> > load averages:  1.14,  0.85,  0.43
> >
> > but current load constantly being over 1.00,
> > the averages eventually rise as well.
> Have you checked the output of 'top', perhaps with the -H option, and
> see what shows up as consuming CPU?

load averages:  1.08,  1.17,  1.02                                             13:10:24
54 processes:  53 idle, 1 on processor
CPU0 states:  0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU1 states:  0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
Memory: Real: 78M/181M act/tot Free: 1815M Cache: 64M Swap: 0K/2294M

nothing is running.
i dont even use a windowing environment, just a blackbox.

and re: discussion about load average, i have sit through all those
threads as well.  i know it's not just CPU.  that's why i was
speculating about some process waiting for a resource.

i have been using this notebook with openbsd for more than a year.
it's not like i change the hardware or even the software and i am
fairly familiar with the load numbers i get during everyday use,
i have been a gkrellm user for what .. 15 years?

technical details aside, it really looks like as if load 1.00
was the new load 0.00, however ridiculuous that sounds.

and it is exactly the same on my new lenovo ideapad netbook as well
right from the start (the thinkpad had "normal" under 1.00 loads
up until recently) but what the hell, it's acpi is probably full
of bugs.

am i the only one with these freak machines or what?
thinkpads are the best supported notebooks in openbsd land.
and even when i get one, i end up reporting stuff that makes
me look crazy.  and then the fur-for-brains-man goes bat shit
crazy and slobbers all over his keyboard.

why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets anyway?

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