I'm porting it for myself, although I stopped for a while because nobody else 
showed much interest in it. I have the opposite view of Claudio, I'd love to 
have this capability. It looks attractive for things like high-speed packet 
capture and analysis. For re-implementing things that are already implemented 
in the kernel like routing and NAT, Claudio is right. But having a generic 
mechanism to bring network data in/out userland for analysis or manipulation, 
abstracted in a secure way from the kernel across multiple network card types, 
and "zero copy", could be very useful. The typical response to this is "well 
just make the slow parts of the kernel more efficient and you won't need to do 
this" but, especially for pcap-type applications, I think netmap _is_ the 

Bahador NazariFard [bahador.nazarif...@gmail.com] wrote:
> Hi y'all.
> I have a question about netmap - a novel framework for fast packet I/O.
> Does OpenBSD have any plan to support Netmap framework?
> I also have a technical question about netmap and firewall relation.
> As I read and understand we can work with nic interface almost directly
> form user land by netmap. what does mean that?
> We have to pass every packet  through kernel (if we want to process by
> firewall and IPSec )? Am I wrong ?
> How can Netmap help us if  kernel land processes such as firewall,
> routing(queuing), IPSec cryptography are needed?

Keep them laughing half the time, scared of you the other half. And always keep 
them guessing. -- Clair George

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