On 7/19/12 11:15 AM, Theo de Raadt wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 08:45:30PM +0200, [B&G-Consulting] Elmar Bschorer 
>> wrote:
>>> What do you mean with "ss20"?
>> Actually a good question. At least for those old enough to remember the
>> Soviet era SS-20 intermediate-range ballistic nucelar missiles.
> I'd like one of those too.
OK, admission of nerdiness:  All SS-20's were eliminated under the
Intermediate and Shorter-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), beginning in
the late 80's and winding up during the early 90's, with final close-out
inspections of all inspectable sites during the mid 90's, approximately
at the same time as the START I Treaty kicked off.

I have a decorative serving tray made from the metal of an eliminated ss-20.


-Rob Payne

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