Hi misc,

I got a little error here with a sysctl value in dmesg :
WARNING: mclpools limit reached; increase kern.maxclusters

The value was at 6144 and I just change it to 9216 (50% more)

The system is also having paquet lost from 1 up to 6% and can have latency up to 30 ms and changing the value still have no effect on paquet lost.

Anyone can give me a hint how to diagnose this problem ?


# netstat -m
166 mbufs in use:
        158 mbufs allocated to data
        2 mbufs allocated to packet headers
        6 mbufs allocated to socket names and addresses
156/6152/9216 mbuf 2048 byte clusters in use (current/peak/max)
0/8/9216 mbuf 4096 byte clusters in use (current/peak/max)
0/8/9216 mbuf 8192 byte clusters in use (current/peak/max)
0/8/9216 mbuf 9216 byte clusters in use (current/peak/max)
0/8/9216 mbuf 12288 byte clusters in use (current/peak/max)
0/8/9216 mbuf 16384 byte clusters in use (current/peak/max)
0/8/9216 mbuf 65536 byte clusters in use (current/peak/max)
14044 Kbytes allocated to network (2% in use)
0 requests for memory denied
0 requests for memory delayed
0 calls to protocol drain routines

# vmstat -m
Memory statistics by bucket size
    Size   In Use   Free           Requests  HighWater  Couldfree
      16      893   3715          405854295    1280    2114802
      32      387    381         1188555273     640          0
      64     2022   1242           33343194     320     977818
     128     3448    264           54869026     160   13336125
     256     1803    341           72808225      80   12255401
     512      281    399           43134794      40   19923082
    1024      265    147           21789606      20   16341054
    2048       40      4            1187430      10          0
    4096     2077      3           15141687       5       2028
    8192       23      6              35734       5        553
   16384        6      0               8924       5          0
   32768       11      0                 24       5          0
   65536        2      0                  3       5          0

Memory usage type by bucket size
    Size  Type(s)
      16  devbuf, pcb, routetbl, UFS mount, dirhash, ACPI, exec, UVM amap,
          UVM aobj, USB, USB device, temp
      32  devbuf, pcb, routetbl, ifaddr, UFS mount, sem, dirhash, ACPI,
          in_multi, exec, UVM amap, USB, temp, DRM
64 devbuf, routetbl, ifaddr, vnodes, dirhash, ACPI, proc, VFS cluster, in_multi, ether_multi, VM swap, UVM amap, USB, USB device, USB HC,
          NDP, temp, DRM
     128  devbuf, pcb, routetbl, ifaddr, sysctl, mount, sem, dirhash, ACPI,
          VFS cluster, MFS node, NFS srvsock, ttys, pfkey data, inodedep,
          VM swap, UVM amap, USB, USB device, NDP, temp
     256  devbuf, routetbl, ifaddr, ioctlops, vnodes, shm, VM map, dirhash,
          ACPI, exec, UVM amap, USB, USB device, DRM
512 devbuf, routetbl, ifaddr, ioctlops, dirhash, NFS daemon, ttys, newblk,
          UVM amap, USB, temp
    1024  devbuf, pcb, sysctl, ioctlops, mount, UFS mount, shm, file, proc,
          ttys, exec, UVM amap, crypto data, temp
2048 devbuf, ioctlops, UFS mount, ACPI, VM swap, UVM amap, UVM aobj, temp
    4096  devbuf, ifaddr, ioctlops, proc, UVM amap, memdesc, temp, DRM
    8192  devbuf, ACPI, ttys, pagedep, UVM amap, USB, temp
   16384  devbuf, MSDOSFS mount, indirdep, temp
   32768  devbuf, UFS quota, UFS mount, ISOFS mount, inodedep, UVM amap,
          NTFS hash
   65536  devbuf

Memory statistics by type                           Type  Kern
          Type InUse MemUse HighUse  Limit Requests Limit Limit Size(s)
devbuf 3741 8850K 8914K 78644K 7470 0 0 16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,16384,32768,65536 pcb 37 12K 17K 78644K 531069 0 0 16,32,128,1024 routetbl 231 30K 105K 78644K 1566880 0 0 16,32,64,128,256,512 ifaddr 109 22K 22K 78644K 114 0 0 32,64,128,256,512,4096
        sysctl     2     2K      2K 78644K        2    0     0 128,1024
ioctlops 0 0K 4K 78644K 2574431 0 0 256,512,1024,2048,4096
         mount    16     9K      9K 78644K       16    0     0 128,1024
        vnodes  1375    87K     87K 78644K     4750    0     0 64,256
     UFS quota     1    32K     32K 78644K        1    0     0 32768
UFS mount 33 71K 71K 78644K 33 0 0 16,32,1024,2048,32768
           shm     2     2K      2K 78644K        2    0     0 256,1024
        VM map     2     1K      1K 78644K        2    0     0  256
           sem     2     1K      1K 78644K        2    0     0 32,128
dirhash 135 28K 29K 78644K 153 0 0 16,32,64,128,256,512 ACPI 2144 256K 275K 78644K 7158 0 0 16,32,64,128,256,2048,8192
          file     0     0K      1K 78644K        2    0     0  1024
          proc    14    10K     10K 78644K       14    0     0 64,1024,4096
   VFS cluster     0     0K      1K 78644K    12585    0     0 64,128
      MFS node     2     1K      1K 78644K        2    0     0  128
   NFS srvsock     1     1K      1K 78644K        1    0     0  128
    NFS daemon     1     1K      1K 78644K        1    0     0  512
      in_multi    54     3K      3K 78644K       56    0     0 32,64
   ether_multi    16     1K      1K 78644K       18    0     0  64
   ISOFS mount     1    32K     32K 78644K        1    0     0 32768
 MSDOSFS mount     1    16K     16K 78644K        1    0     0 16384
ttys 420 308K 308K 78644K 420 0 0 128,512,1024,8192 exec 0 0K 2K 78644K 15650419 0 0 16,32,256,1024
    pfkey data     1     1K      1K 78644K        2    0     0  128
       pagedep     1     8K      8K 78644K        1    0     0  8192
      inodedep     1    32K     34K 78644K    40525    0     0 128,32768
        newblk     1     1K      1K 78644K        1    0     0  512
      indirdep     0     0K     32K 78644K     8895    0     0 16384
       VM swap     1     1K      3K 78644K        4    0     0 64,128,2048
UVM amap 2679 573K 981K 78644K631967463 0 0 16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,32768
      UVM aobj     2     3K      3K 78644K        2    0     0 16,2048
USB 106 30K 31K 78644K 124 0 0 16,32,64,128,256,512,8192 USB device 24 2K 2K 78644K 28 0 0 16,64,128,256
        USB HC     1     1K      1K 78644K        1    0     0  64
       memdesc     1     4K      4K 78644K        1    0     0  4096
   crypto data     1     1K      1K 78644K        1    0     0  1024
           NDP    14     2K      2K 78644K       18    0     0 64,128
temp 85 45K 62K 78644K1184355577 0 0 16,32,64,128,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,16384
     NTFS hash     1    32K     32K 78644K        1    0     0 32768
DRM 4 5K 5K 78644K 4 0 0 32,64,256,4096

Memory Totals:  In Use    Free    Requests
                10501K    681K    1836728251
Memory resource pool statistics
Name Size Requests Fail InUse Pgreq Pgrel Npage Hiwat Minpg Maxpg Idle
extentpl      40      151    0       92     1     0     1     1 0     8    0
phpool        96  2041631    0    20829   766   143   623   647 0     8    8
pmappl       152 18954205    0       37     5     0     5     5 0     8    3
pvpl          32 3676968742  0    35614   578    31   547   568 0   263  262
pdppl       4096 18954205    0       37 682786 682745  41   121 0     8    4
vmsppl       296 18954205    0       37    10     0    10    10 0     8    7
vmmpepl      144 1323515877  0     3529   432     4   428   432 0   304  297
vmmpekpl     144 205551948   0       23     5     0     5     5 0     8    4
aobjpl        64        1    0        1     1     0     1     1 0     8    0
dma16         24        7    0        0     1     0     1     1 0     8    1
dma64         64       10    0        0     1     0     1     1 0     8    1
dma256       256        8    0        0     1     0     1     1 0     8    1
dma512       512        6    0        0     1     0     1     1 0     8    1
amappl        72 621985477   0     2654   149    22   127   140 0    75   75
anonpl        24 812225276   0    30344   244     0   244   244 0   383   56
bufpl        304   847485    0    38956  3814   746  3068  3275 0     8    8
mbpl         256 329650397175 0      92   388     1   387   388 1   576  369
mcl2k       2048 123936676848 6554820 63 3076     0  3076  3076 4  4608 3043
sockpl       472  7268588    0       41    31    18    13    22 0     8    7
procpl       544 18954217    0       49    33    19    14    23 0     8    6
processpl    128 18954217    0       49     5     0     5     5 0     8    3
zombiepl     144 18954168    0        0     1     0     1     1 0     8    1
ucredpl       80 15753129    0       19     3     0     3     3 0     8    2
pgrppl        40   570170    0       22     1     0     1     1 0     8    0
sessionpl     64   568964    0       20     2     0     2     2 0     8    1
pcredpl       24 18954217    0       49     1     0     1     1 0     8    0
lockfpl       88  5713934    0        3     2     0     2     2 0     8    1
filepl       120 79466969    0       99    11     0    11    11 0     8    7
fdescpl      440 18954206    0       38    17     6    11    14 0     8    6
pipepl       120 23235020    0       10     6     0     6     6 0     8    5
sigapl       432 18954205    0       37    15     4    11    14 0     8    6
wqtasks       40    11003    0        0     1     0     1     1 0     8    1
ifaddritempl  64       32    0       28     1     0     1     1 0     8    0
wdcspl       176       37    0        0     1     0     1     1 0     8    1
scxspl       200  3207749    0        0     1     0     1     1 0     8    1
namei       1024 142075869   0        0     6     0     6     6 0     8    6
vnodes       264    42562    0    42562  2838     0  2838  2838 0     8    0
nchpl        144  3621989    0     5923   220     0   220   220 0     8    0
ffsino       232   578095    0    28220  1676     1  1675  1676 0     8    8
dino1pl      128   578095    0    28220   920     0   920   920 0     8    5
pagedeppl    128   436378    0        0     1     0     1     1 0     8    1
inodedeppl   152   959819    0        0     7     0     7     7 0     8    7
newblkpl      64   471723    0        0     1     0     1     1 0     8    1
bmsafemappl   64   432010    0        0     1     0     1     1 0     8    1
allocdirectpl 128  407039    0        0     3     0     3     3 0     8    3
indirdeppl    56    16850    0        0     1     0     1     1 0     8    1
allocindirpl 104    64684    0        0     5     0     5     5 0     8    5
freefragpl    64     8150    0        0     1     0     1     1 0     8    1
freeblkspl   192   318388    0        0     9     1     8     9 0     8    8
freefilepl    48   481186    0        0     2     0     2     2 0     8    2
diraddpl      56   524806    0        0     1     0     1     1 0     8    1
dirrempl      64   524797    0        0     3     0     3     3 0     8    3
newdirblkpl   32        2    0        0     1     0     1     1 0     8    1
dirhash     1024      300    0      277    70     0    70    70 0   128    0
pfrulepl    1328    98660    0     4025 22535 20344  2191  3581 0     8    8
pfstatepl 304 5540822242 245454 111886 1325914 1316910 9004 15124 0 8 8
pfstatekeypl 104 7562462743  0   153670 152431 147895 4536 7677 0     8    8
pfstateitempl 24 7561514514  0   153670  6102  5007  1095  1758 0     8    5
pfruleitempl  24 2010780201  0   232543  1650    82  1568  1602 0     8    8
pfrktable   1312   487716    0       30    17     0    17    17 0     8    1
pfrke_plain  160  4565590    0    41381 40356 38637  1719  3315 0     8    8
pfosfpen     112    19600    0      700   344   324    20    20 0     8    0
pfosfp        40    11480    0      410     5     0     5     5 0     8    0
pffrent       40 295512517   0       21   958   950     8    62 0     8    7
pffrag       112 123384806   0       21  1189  1160    29   175 0    29   28
rtentpl      200    49908    0       84   222   209    13    36 0     8    8
rttmrpl       64        1    0        0     1     0     1     1 0     8    1
tcpcbpl      560   275659    0       13    19     9    10    15 0     8    8
tcpqepl       32    79173    0        0     1     0     1     1 0     8    1
sackhlpl      24      104    0        0     1     0     1     1 0     8    1
synpl        248   102349    0        0     1     0     1     1 0     8    1
plimitpl     152   557045    0       20     4     0     4     4 0     8    3
inpcbpl      352  6737532    0       17    10     0    10    10 0     8    8

In use 108178K, total allocated 138796K; utilization 77.9%

# systat
3 users Load 0.42 0.26 0.21 Tue Aug 14 11:16:29 2012

            memory totals (in KB)            PAGING   SWAPPING Interrupts
           real   virtual     free           in  out   in  out 16848 total
Active   126860    126860  3218996   ops 100 clock
All      849004    849004  3218996   pages 5119 em0
4332 em1
Proc:r  d  s  w    Csw   Trp   Sys   Int   Sof  Flt       forks 514 em2
           9       580   206   922 15381 14912    9       fkppw 6783 em3
fksvm         uhci0
  42.5%Int   1.2%Sys   4.2%Usr   0.0%Nic  52.1%Idle pwait         ehci0
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    | relck         pciide0
|||||||||||||||||||||=>> rlkok
Namei         Sys-cache    Proc-cache    No-cache         ndcpy
    Calls     hits    %    hits     %    miss   %         fltcp
Disks   sd0   cd0   cd1   fd0   sd1                 33900 fmin
seeks                                               45200 ftarg
xfers                                                     itarg
speed                                                   1 wired 20665 IPKTS
  sec                                                     pdfre 20580 OPKTS

# uname -a
OpenBSD mainfw.mydomain.ca 5.0 GENERIC#53 amd64

Have been up for some time now dmesg don't show the hardware anymore but lot of "arp info overwritten" that seem to be caused by a proxmox vm server and some. The server is a Dell Poweredge 1750 with 3.2 Ghz xeon and a quad intel gigabit nic using em driver.


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