
I've setup some RRDtool magic to graph ldapd(8) metrics (OpenBSD 5.1/i386).

Using `ldapctl stats`, I was expecting:
"requests" = "search requests" + "bind requests" + "modify requests"

But after a few ldapsearch/ldapadd/ldapdelete testings, it seems "requests"
grows faster than the sum of "* requests".

A simple ldapsearch increments "search" and "bind" by 1 but increments
"requests" by 3. An ldapadd increments "bind" and "modify" by 1 but increments
"requests" by 3. The ldapdelete (to suppress the previous entry) increments
"bind", "search" and "modify" by 1 but "requests" is incremented by 4.

What does "requests" counts that doesn't appear in other metrics?


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