The line mentioning running tftpd from inetd is no longer valid! Its
now started via /etc/rc.d/tftpd.

You will also have to activate the tftpd(8) daemon. This is typically
done through inetd(8). The standard OpenBSD install has a sample line
in inetd.conf which will do nicely for you:

    #tftp  dgram   udp  wait  root  /usr/libexec/tftpd   tftpd -s /tftpboot

which simply needs to have the '#' character removed and send inetd(8)
a -HUP signal to get it to reload /etc/inetd.conf. tftpd(8) serves
files from a particular directory, in the case of this line, that
directory is /tftpboot, which we will use for this example. Obviously,
this directory needs to be created and populated. Typically, you will
have only a few files here for PXE booting:


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