On Sat, Oct 06, 2012 at 10:11:20PM +0200, rustyBSD wrote:
> Hi,
> it's about src/usr.sbin/unbound/ldns/drill/work.c
> at line 184:
> What is the 'fp' FILE used for ? Here - if I'm not
> mistaken - we fopen() filename, and that's it. We
> don't use the 'fp' variable, and we never fclose()
> it.
> Am I wrong ?
> Thanks

Good catch. There's obviously some unfinished refactoring.
The file handling got into packetbufffromfile, all other
callers got it... This one was left stranded out.

What's funny, though, is that the code in packetbufffromfile
is worse than the code you're talking about, especially the
error message doesn't mention the filename...

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