Thanks for your help, all, especially Reyk, Sevan, Fred, Joakim.

Here is some more information.
My card is a NETGEAR Wireless PCI Adapter 32-bit WG311T
and I use my box as an AP.

Reyk, I patched my sys with your file.

I have this message:
/bsd: ath0: bogus xmit rate 0x0 (idx 0x3)

Sevan advised me to use "media autoselect"
He was right, it works and the 11M is applied by default.
To remind you, I did force the DS11
> cat /etc/hostname.ath0
inet NONE media DS11 chan 8 nwid SPEENICS mediaopt hostap

Thanks Sevan and sorry for annoying the list.

On the other hand, I can't use OFDM54 and use the 802.11g feature.
Well, it's not a problem for me, but I can perform tests for you, Reyk, if you need.


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