On Apr 14 19:48:24, mcmer-open...@tor.at wrote:
> hello (opensmtpd-) folks, 
> I think OpenSMTPd aborts delivery to multiple aliased recipients as soon
> as a delivery attempt returns non-zero. 
> I consider this unwanted: a super user defined delivery list in
> aliases(5) is not applied if some foolish luser messes up her/his
> .forward. 
> How I found out about this:
> in aliases(5):
> foobar: b_user, a_user
> (Verbose log shows this get's reordered to a_user, b_user. I'm not sure
> that is good.)
> forward(5) of a_user (that's the one tried first) 
> |/usr/local/bin/procmail 
> after that delivery to b_user is not attempted.

THis is relevant to my previous post: why is procmail
failing here in the first place? I find that procmail
always fails for me without the -f option.

> If I change
> a_user's forward(5) to 
> |/usr/local/bin/procmail; exit 0

The same can be achieved, perhaps a bit more cleanly,
by setting DELIVERED in your ~/.procmailrc

        If set to `yes' procmail will pretend (to the mail
        agent) the mail has been delivered.  If mail cannot
        be delivered after having met this assignment (set to `yes'),
        the mail will be lost (i.e., it will not bounce).

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