On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 11:50 PM, Devin Ceartas <de...@nacredata.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 3:10 PM, Devin Ceartas <de...@nacredata.com> wrote:
>> On Nov 2, 2012, at 3:04 PM, Tyler Morgan wrote:
>> > On 11/2/2012 6:39 AM, Devin Ceartas wrote:
>> >> hp laptop with Intel SSD won't boot under 5.2 - the problem reported on
>> >>
>> >> screen appears to be the one described here:
>> >>
>> >>
>> http://old.nabble.com/Re%3A-Fwd%3A--mSATA-failure-on-6501-w--OpenBSD-5.0-td32881415.html#a32884546
>> >>
>> >> ahci0: stopping the port, softreset slot 31 was still active.
>> >>
>> >> ahci0: failed to reset port during timeout handling, disabling it
>> >>
>> >> Does anyone have a patch to try or is there a way to boot into the full
>> >>
>> >> system starting from a CD or network boot?
>> >>
>> >> -- devin
>  Boots reliably when running Current. Thanks, lesson learned.

For changing kernel without need to recompile you can do
http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq5.html#BootConfig (of course that not
everything can be done here, but for disabling ACPI it's ok).
As you are on current now (better to say snapshots, on current you
will be when following man release), but for most of the users it's
easier to follow snapshots as you can 1) upgrade your system from
bsd.rd binary (during boot at prompt boot> boot /bsd.rd and choose
(U)pgrade) 2) man sysmerge (-s and -x switches) 3) pkg_add -ui 4)
checking current.html

With that completely new system, configs and packages in a quick way
without need to recompile plus latest bug/security fixes and version
of packages. How often to do this is completely on you. You can run
eg. for 6 months or more on snapshot, but if you will want to install
some package then most probably you will hit some issues with
libraries during install and that' simply sign that you really need to
upgrade :-) That sign can come even after one week of usage of course,
but as that binary update process Is so straightforward then it's no
worry about that.

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