Sorry , my php script just like <? phpinfo(); ?>
And , I think even the static html file test is unreasonable .

Thanks .

Raindy Long

From: Rafal Bisingier
Date: 2012-11-08 00:42
To: sopato
CC: misc
Subject: Re: Benchmark for nginx + php + mysql

On Wed, 07 nov 2012 at 23:43 CET
"Raindy Long" <> wrote:

> Hi @misc,
>  Just create a webserver in openbsd5.2 by nginx+php+mysql , hardware is : 
> 512M + 2.4G CPU + 40G disk .
>  And I do some benchmark by ab/webbench tools, open 100 clients & 10 process 
> to do the test . the result is(close nginx access log in all tests) :
> (1)static html file---->498 requests/sec
> (2)php file----> 284 requests/sec , and five php-fpm process use 100% cpu !! 
> :(
> I think the test result is so bad .
> next is my /etc/sysctl.conf context:
> ---------------------------------------
> kern.maxvnodes=131072  
> kern.maxproc=65536
> kern.maxfiles=65536
> kern.somaxconn=65536
> kern.sominconn=256 
> kern.maxclusters=32768
> net.inet.tcp.recvspace=65536 
> net.inet.tcp.sendspace=65536
> net.inet.udp.recvspace=65536 
> net.inet.udp.sendspace=65536
> ---------------------------------------
> What can I do to improve the performance ?
> Thanks a lot .

Try this:
echo "<?php exit 0; ?>" > test.php

PS. You didn't even show what are you testing (your configuration and
the php script code) and want some improvement advices? You must be
kidding... ;-) 

Rafal Bisingier

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