Where i wrote listen i really meant accept.

On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 9:04 PM, Friedrich Locke

> Hi folks,
> i am planning to write a simple web server. My initial ideia for this
> server is that it will only serve static content.
> So, i would like to have the best possible performance.
> I don't feel like going for multiple process since i would like to reduce
> context switch required by multiple process send data to clients. I would
> like to implement it using kqueue. On a single cpu/core machine it is
> fairly simple to solve, but when in SMP/multicore machines i could take two
> approaches (Suppose we have n cores in the system):
> First approach:
> A connection multiplexer process listens for incoming connections on port
> tcp/80. When i new connection arrives it (the process) accepts it (the new
> connection) and sends the fd from the incoming connection to one of the n
> http server process instances and from that point on the http server
> process handles it.
> Second approach:
> Starts a http server process. This process opens a socket for listening
> incoming connection on port tcp/80. Than, this process forks n-1 processes.
> These n-1 process will share the listening socket and starts listening to
> this socket too. When a new connection arrives, the kernel wakes up one of
> the n proccess and this one handles the incoming connection. While this
> process is serving a request, we will have n-1 process listening and if a
> new connection arrives the kernel wakes up one of the n-1 process and do
> everything again and again ....
> I am no OpenBSD kernerl expert. I would like to hear from which of the
> approaches would deliver better performance (this is critical for me). What
> you have to say.
> Thanks a lot for your time and cooperation.
> Best regards,
> Fried.

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