
Just a question about fbtab(5) and X11.

In the distributed /etc/fbtab (under i386, -current) the file contains:

#       $OpenBSD: fbtab.head,v 1.2 1999/05/05 06:56:34 deraadt Exp $
# login(1) reads this file to determine which devices should be chown'd to
# the new user. Format is:
# login-tty     perm    device:[device]:...
/dev/ttyC0      0600    
/dev/X0         0600    /dev/wsmouse:/dev/wsmouse0
# samples
#/dev/ttyC0     0600    /dev/fd0

With it, login(1) do the right thing when login on ttyC0 (all devs listed in 
ttyC0 line are owned by logged user).

But I couldn't acheve the same thing under X11 (login with xdm). 

x11$ ls -l /dev/wsmouse0
crw-------  1 root  wheel   68,   0 Oct 14 14:25 /dev/wsmouse0

A "grep -Rl" in /usr/xenocara for login_fbtab(3) found nothing...

So does fbtab is implemented for local X11 connection (with xdm) ? 
And if not, what is the purpose of "/dev/X0" in /etc/fbtab ?

The initial purpose is to "own" some devices like cd0a or ttyU0 when login 
under X11.
Sebastien Marie

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