I'm trying to find the cleanest solution for correct routing of internal LAN
servers to the external IP's of other servers in the same LAN. 


I have read the OpenBSD FAQ here
(http://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/rdr.html#reflect ) and mostly understand the
problems associated with doing this via some relatively simple firewall
rule. The purpose of this is to simplify the logic in our pf rules a bit
where we have redirects/nat for the internal LAN clients (see below) but
also to allow access to internal services without always editing /etc/hosts.
I'm wondering what people think the cleanest way of accomplishing this is?
The split view DNS seems like kind of an extra management hassle and a good
opportunity to screw something up. But running a proxy and the added rules
in pf doesn't seem like a great solution either.


Also, is there some catch all that could be created with rules like this?
Currently we are using this on specific services when we want to be able to
use the fqdn on a local server without adding the internal ip resolution to


rdr pass on {$ext_if, $int_if} inet proto tcp from any to $mx4_ext port 25
-> $mx4_int port 25

nat on $int_if inet proto tcp from to $mx4_int port 25 ->


It has the very much less than ideal result of showing the connection coming
from the firewall internal interface though, which makes it harder to know
where incoming connections are really coming from in the logs and such.


Anyways. Any thoughts? 

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