On v, nov 18, 2012 at 10:41:43 -0200, Rafael Ferreira Neves wrote:
> You should contact Nicholas Marriott about this. If possible, verify
> if that commit (full message and files involved in
> <http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-cvs&m=134554327203377&w=2>) actually
> solves you problem.

Yes it does; I thought that thanking for the pointer to the patch
implied this :)

> You could checkout the OPENBSD_5_2 tree, apply that commit changes,
> and verify if the problem persists. If you get rid of the problem,
> your message with an attached patch against OPENBSD_5_2 should save
> him some time and effort.

I've already stated that I've recompiled the 5.2 tmux source (not sure
what do mean under "apply that commit changes", but of course, it was
not _BASE), so it must have been with an OPENBSD_5_2 tree.
Furthermore, the diff in question applies to 5.2.

> In the case problem persists, you'll have to find on the another
> commits. What I can say is that in -current that crash doesn't occur.

Yes I know that, that's why I reported this against 5.2.


LÉVAI Dániel
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